Sunday, August 19, 2018

Old Yamuna Bridge 1863

Delhi  Heritage Trail :  3

Old Yamuna  Bridge( Lohe Ka Pul)

          This 152 year old Bridge across the  Yamuna  behind  Red Fort is a living example of  engineering skills of  the Indians in 19th century.  The  construction of the bridge started a year after the death of the last  Mughul  emperor  Bahadur  Shah Zafar II in 1863 and was completed in 1866. It was constructed to connect Delhi from  Calcutta by Rail. Before that people  used  to  be ferried across the Yamuna by boats to  reach Shajahanabad ( old Delhi). It changed the boundaries of the city and Trans Yamuna started to develop.  The  12 span bridge cost the government around 16 lakhs  and was a engineering marvel of the time. Intially a single line was constructed which was converted into double line and the bridge was extensively renovated in 1930s and reopened in 1936.

Pictures  : Francis Frith, Hindu

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