Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Havelis of Shajahanabad

 Delhi Heritage Trail :  26

        The Havelis of Shajahanabad

      Shajahanabad was constructed by Shajahan in 17th century when the capital shifted  from  Agra.   Over a period of 200 years by mid 19th century the city was full of beautiful Havelis  in small alleys extending from  one end of the road to another.  The status of a man was determined by the  Haveli in which he lived and owned.  The 200 year old  Haveli  of Mirza Ghalib in Ballimaran is one such . The city was also  home  to many Masjid of which Jama Masjid had a prime  place.  

        After the  recapture of Delhi in 1857 the British soldiers  plundered whatever they could find in the  Red Fort ; Jewels, weapons, Clothes of the royal family,  Marble slabs and inlay work. All the  loot found there way to Victoria and Albert  Museum in London. Jama Masjid was closed down  for public worship and Fatehpuri Mosque at the end of Chandni Chowk was confiscated.  It's shops and quadrangle  were sold in public  auction to Chunna Mal one of the richest bankers of the  city then. The rooms opening into its quadrangle was converted in to shops by him which still exists. The Masjids were returned for worship only after a decade. 

      Many of the  Havelis still exists in the  older part of the city which  are a treasure.

Pic:  Felice Beato,  Samuel  Bourne

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